With the release of “Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker”, one of the longest and most prolific sagas in the galaxy comes to a close. So, here we’d like to pay homage to it by showing you our best Star Wars costumes.
Become one of the most powerful Jedi masters in the galaxy and train Luke Skywalker with one of these Yoda costumes for adults, children, and even dogs! Always remember these famous quotes from the grand master: “Do or do not. There is no try,” “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
Anaki Skywalker
Remember the little blonde kid from the planet Tatooine, who lived with his mother as a slave? Now you can become a real Jedi, before passing over to the dark side of the force, with these Anakin Skywalker costumes and a blue lightsaber. Remember, we all have a dark side, but don’t forget what you once were.
Padme Amidala
Revive the beautiful Queen of Naboo with these unique Padmé Amidala costumes. Pick your favourite version of this character and live out one of the most exciting and tragic love stories in history.
Luke Skywalker
The son of Anakin and Padmé, Luke Skywalker was a Jedi warrior who helped form the New Republic with his sister Leia. Become a Master jedi with these amazing Luke Skywalker costumes. And remember, “Luke, I am your father.”
Princess Leia/h2>
This heroine and Jedi of the New Order plays a key role in the Galactic Civil War. If you too want to fight against the Empire, pick your Leia costume (princess or slave) from these cosplay costumes.
Check out this tutorial which shows you how to dress-up as Princess Leia and how to do her classic hair style:
Han Solo
This arrogant smuggler, and friend of Chewbacca, becomes one of the most influential characters in the saga. Do you want to be the pilot of the Millennium Falcon and General of the Rebel Alliance? You can be with these unique Star Wars Han Solo costumes.
Rey is a scavenger from the planet Jakku, where she was abandoned when she was just five years old, who finds herself immersed in the ongoing battle between the Resistance and the First Order. She is an excellent pilot, which complements her skills as a Jedi.
This Star Wars Rey Costume is made up of a beige t-shirt and trousers, with matching detached sleeves, a belt, and a brown wristband.
R2D2, C3PO and BB-8
The most famous droids in the galaxy are here in the form of kid’s costumes. Your little ones can aid the protagonists and form part of this galactic tale, like true friends. Pick a C3PO and R2D2 costume, or even BB8, and they’ll become the cutest robot in the galaxy.
Chewbacca is a Wookiee who, together with his friend Han Solo, co-pilots the Millennium Falcon. A wise and loyal character, it can be difficult to understand his wookie language. If you want to become this hairy hero, take your pick from our Chewbacca costumes. AAARWWRGHH!
Darth Vader
The indisputable adversary of the Star Wars saga. Discover the origin of his armour and become the most feared cyborg of the galaxy with these amazing Darth Vader costumes.
Stormtroopers are back in fashion! Stormtroopers are the elite shock troops of the Galactic Empire, under the command of Darth Vader for many episodes of the saga. If you’re a real Star Wars fan, you’ll love these Stormtrooper costumes.
Darth Maul
Dark Lord of the Sith and secret apprentice to Darth Sidious. If you want something more original and a bit different from the usual Star Wars costumes, choose between these Darth Maul costumes and fight with your double-bladed lightsaber.
Kylo Ren
Just like his grandfather Darth Vader, Kylo Ren is a controversial figure: a villain who wants to redeem himself. He’s easy to spot, thanks to his helmet and distinctive red lightsaber. Here’s a few ideas for your Kylo Ren Costume.
Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is a little different from what we’re used to seeing. This red lightsaber has a special crossguard design, making it look medieval. The helmet is black with grey detailing on the front. He nearly always wears his cape, just like Darth Vader, and his voice is distorted by his helmet.
Boba Fett
The first clone of Jango Fett, who adopted him as a son and taught him everything there is to know about bounty hunting. If you want a unique costume idea, create one using a jet pack and one of these Boba Fett costumes.
The first clone of Jango Fett, who adopted him as a son and taught him everything there is to know about bounty hunting. If you want a unique costume idea, create one using a jet pack and one of these Boba Fett costumes.