Are you getting ready for your next costume party? With Funidelia you can prepare for the Night of the Living Dead with some terrifying Halloween make-up to scare your friends with. We’re going to show you loads of ideas of how you can get made up to match the Halloween costume you’ve chosen. We’re also going to teach you some tricks on how to achieve the make-up looks of some of the most well-known horror characters, like Freddy Krueger.
Injuries and liquid latex for realistic Halloween make-up
A real Halloween costume, or a costume for any horror themed costume party, needs wounds, scar make-up, and blood… And in our online shop you can find all the products you need to create the effect you want.
The main thing your Halloween make-up needs is a good amount of fake blood, all over your clothes, face and body. We have red blood, black blood (for a dried blood effect) and green blood to make you look like a zombie or somebody possessed.
Wounds and prosthetics will make you look all the more terrifying. You can choose from all kinds of wounds: bloody or less bloody, deep or superficial scratches, vampire bites, burns… And when it comes to prosthetics, you can choose from latex, foam or other materials that you can use to make little horns, screws in your skin, robot arms, open wounds, cross-shaped scars and much more. Anything your wicked mind can imagine to make your look all the more horrifying.
To finish off your perfect make-up you can add professional products that are even used in films, like liquid latex. Using liquid latex can help you achieve even more realistic wounds, scars, burns, and even changes to your physical appearance, creating depth around your eyes and cheeks… By combining these products, you can achieve a more horrifying look. So you can get an idea of how you can use this Halloween make-up, we’ve got four make-up ideas you can use for your next costume.
Freddy Krueger make-up
Freddy Krueger is one of the most well-known horror film characters, starring in A Nightmare on Elm Street- one of the most iconic films in the genre. The Freddy Krueger costume is made up of a red and green striped sweatshirt and a right hand made of knives. Next, to look just like him, the main thing is to create the effect of burns on your face. In this tutorial you can see how to achieve this, step by step. The main element is liquid latex, which once dried creates an appearance of false skin which you can manipulate to look like wounds or burns.
Zombie make-up
Here we arrive at a perfect scary look for Halloween- zombies. What better time to become one of them than on the night of the living dead? To achieve this look, we’ve got a selection of zombie make-up with fake blood, liquid latex and all kinds of different prosthetics you can use to simulate wounds, torn skin, broken jaws, eyes coming out of their sockets, raw skin, and much more. A whole variety of accessories to spread panic wherever you go! In this tutorial you can see how to combine a latex prosthetic with make-up on the rest of your face to create a deadly and realistic look. No-one will believe you’re still alive!
Jon Snow zombie make-up
Here we propose choosing a well-known character like Jon Snow from Game of Thrones and turning him into a zombie to impress everyone on Halloween. Firstly, you need to get your hands on a Jon Snow costume. Afterwards you’ll need to apply some zombie make-up, wounds and false blood. The secret is to use different colours on your face to create a weak and decrepit look, as well as using wounds and some fake blood. With this tutorial you can learn the best Halloween make-up tricks.
Deadpool make-up
The most troublesome superhero in the marvel universe. Behind his black and red uniform and hood, this crazy character hides a face completely covered in scars and burns. So why not create something really unique using a Deadpool costume and adding some make-up to create a burn effect. To do it you’ll need some plastic wrap, some different types of make-up and powders, some paint, and of course, some liquid latex. This tutorial will surprise you and inspire you to create some different Halloween looks featuring wounds and burns.