We have the perfect Halloween plan for you: A movie, dinner, and a Halloween costume party. What do you think about it? The movie we recommend you today is Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride. Can you guess what are we proposing today as your next Halloween costume? Exactly! We bring you the full-on Emily look, including her makeup, props… Everything so you can dress up as the Corpse Bride on next Halloween.
Corpse Bride Makeup Tutorial
Draw some inspiration from this tutorial to create your own Corpse Bride makeup. Alongside this Halloween makeup you’ll seamlessly get the sad look and skeletal aspect of Emily, the protagonist.
These are the colors that you can’t miss to get your Corpse Bride makeup!
The Bride’s Dress
Emily’s dress has a lot of details and appliances. You can do it at home with a white corset and a skirt fabric.
And, if you want a more realistic-looking costume, the first step is to paint the fabric blue or purple, as long as you’re following this character’s colored areas. You will also have to stick some white pearls in the neckline and simulate the ribs – Just as Emily does in the movie.
But, in case you prefer something easier, we propose this Corpse Bride costume, the same that you can watch in the makeup tutorial: It’s not missing any detail and, even further, is very sexy.
Corpse Bride Accessories
Accessories are essential for your Corpse Bride costume to look similar to Emily’s dress.
You’ll need the crown, a white veil (which you can create at home), a black bouquet of withered roses, and, obviously, the critical component: Corpse Bride wig!
You can create your veil with some fabrics or white tulle, tearing it apart and painting it with blue tones, just like the dress.
If you want to look similar to Emily, and transform yourself to the one and only Corpse Bride at the party, you can also wear a Corpse Bride mask – And no details are missing: Big bulging eyes, a sad look, a pale skin tone, and a wreath.
Of course, to finish this fantastic look, you can’t miss your handsome companion… Emily’s partner: Victor! Her lasting fond.
With a groom costume and a Victor mask on, there will not be any bride that can resist.
Now you have all the necessary elements to create your Corpse Bride costume – There are no excuses to go out and have a great time!