Halloween make-up tips for women

Sugar skull costume and makeup tutorial: a Day of the Dead look

Sexy Halloween Costumes to Bring the Death Back to Life
Halloween is coming soon, and you are not yet ready! Don’t worry, we have the most original and fun Halloween costumes for women so you and your friends look great on the most terrifying night of the year.
If you do not want to reuse your Halloween costume year after year and you want something original, different, with which you look pretty (within the disguise’s fear-factor boundaries)… Even if you look demonic, bloodthirsty or mysteriously attractive… we bring you the top ten Halloween costumes for women, which will mark a trend on this special night. Here we come.
10. Devilish
Female devils, besides sexy, are evil. And they always say that what’s spooky is attractive. So, you know, with a devil or demon costume everyone will stare twice and you will have the perfect excuse to let your evil side show every time you find it convenient to do so. Even with your mother-in-law.
9. Zombie nurse
Everything that has to do with these beings is trending, so, you know, you can’t stay behind on this. If you decide to dress as a zombie nurse, you can always give a lethal injection to whoever you don’t like or even better, let them inject you. Since you’re dead already…
8. Little, fierce riding hood
Old kids’ tales have always been open to interpretations… Different. What would have happened if in fact Little, Red Riding Hood would’ve been a disguised wolf?
Dressing up as this evil and perverse version of the classic tale will allow you to be sweet with whom you decide, but fierce with whomever dares step in your way. You can even play with your little girl, so that every wolf fears you both!
7. Cemetery Angel
In any respected cemetery, we find demonic figures in the form of statues as gargoyles, demons or fallen angels.
In the case of the last ones, they have always been associated to Lucifer himself with the red costume, but if you dress up un black, it’ll seem as though you just escaped from the grave. You may also stain your angel costume with fake blood and some gray or black paint, to seem like a statue. If you want to inspire authentic fear, you can wear a gargoyle mask… Want to be original?
6. Pirate: the princess on the ghost ship
Another original disguise could be some inhabitant of a ghost ship. Perhaps a princess kidnapped by old corsairs that one night woke up and murdered the whole crew.
You’ll be a dead pirate, but with such an irresistible charm to those who dare look at you up closely, though without touching your blade…
You can adapt your pirate disguise however you want this Halloween; zombie style, ghost, murderer… whichever one you like the most.
5. Steampunk Vampire
Sophisticated, refined, modern and bloodthirsty. That’s you. It’s time you let your true ego stroll and let everyone know you are a true vampire, with a punk, post-industrial aesthetic, something that only you understand over all these inferior beings.
Discover our Steampunk costumes.
4. Cruella de Vil
She is one of the evilest ones on film. But at the same time, she maintains her charms as a mischievous woman intact.
3. Corpse Bride
If marrying is not your thing, and you think “better dead than married”… Nothing better for you than a corpse bride costume.
In this post, you’ll find many ideas to disguise yourself as the corpse bride to terrorize everybody at a party.
A good bride’s dress stained with blood is perfect for the occasion. Besides, you can look for a groom amongst the zombies present or simply reject vampires on the excuse that you’re already promised to someone else.
2. Maleficent
The evil queen by her excellence, elegance and security that make her simply irresistible.
This might be the best chance to show your true self, that merciless and frightening self with no kindness whatsoever. Your Maleficent costume lies before you. What are you waiting for?
1. Sally: The Nightmare Before Christmas
If you are somewhat shy and you like melancholic characters, nothing better than disguising yourself as Sally, the female protagonist from The Nightmare Before Christmas, one of Tim Burton’s classics.
Created as a ragdoll who dreamt of living adventures with her friend (and crush) Jack, same as you!
You can make your own Sally disguise like on this post or use some of these ideas we propose.
The fundamentals are the makeup and, of course, Sally’s iconic red head. Go on! This is Halloween!